Your gifts invest in the future of Stuyvesant. You can also contribute to naming opportunities and class challenges.
Membership is the lifeblood of our organization. Join us.
Donate Overview
Donation Overview
The Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association (SHSAA) serves as the 501(c)(3) partner to the School, is custodian of The Stuy Fund and the Endowment, and facilitates receipt of donations, sponsorships, bequests, and the like that support Stuyvesant High School. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. You can donate directly via our website. If you would prefer to send a check, please make it payable to “Stuyvesant HS Alumni Association” and mail it to:
Stuyvesant HS Alumni Association
P.O. Box 3531
New York, NY 10008
Is your gift eligible to be matched? Did you know that you can maximize the impact of your gift by using your employer’s matching gift program? To confirm if you or your spouse/partner are affiliated with a company that matches charitable gifts, you can search using our Employer Matching Database.
Donation Matching
Donating to the Stuy Fund
If you make a donation to the Stuy Fund (formerly known as the General Fund) or pay your Membership Dues, your money goes toward purchasing equipment and books for various academic departments; supporting Stuyvesant teams and clubs as they compete, travel, and win; aiding in the printing and distribution of student publications; and awarding scholarships to the dedicated students who need and deserve them. Your money also goes toward printing and distributing the Alumni Spectator newsletter; organizing and hosting alumni of all classes at the annual Alumni Weekend event, cultural and social events, and meetings; cultivating the website to facilitate alumni relations and keep the constituency informed.
Membership Dues are the lifeblood of our organization. The Alumni Association is, above all else, a community-based membership organization.
Dues are used to support the School and the Alumni. They are used to fund Alumni events, newsletter and support allocation requests that are made by students and faculty. Additionally, dues-paying members receive perks, such as discounts on event tickets and first access to sales, exclusive access to our video archive, and can vote in the annual elections for the Board of Directors.
Annual membership begins on the day we receive your payment and lasts until the end of the month of the following calendar year. For example, if we receive your dues on January 2, 2025, your membership will expire on January 31, 2026.
Naming Opportunities
Stuyvesant’s Principal has presented our alumni community with a few outstanding naming opportunities.
Stuyvesant alumni/ae can have their name and year of graduation engraved on a metal plate on the back of a seat in the Stuyvesant High School Murray Kahn Theater with gifts ranging from $2,500 to $10,000 to the Stuy Fund. You can even include a quote! Make your impact on the leaders of tomorrow by writing a special message (less than 100 characters including spaces, letters, numbers, and symbols) to share with current and future graduates. Please note that this is a rare and limited opportunity as there are a finite number of seats available, and seats will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
To name your chair now, make your tax-deductible gift here. Please be sure to write “Chair” or “Chair and Tweet” under “Comments” at checkout. We will contact you for your message.
In addition, for gifts of $50,000 and above to the Stuy Fund, you can name a classroom, lab, office, hallway, or floor.
To learn more about our Naming Opportunities, please contact Diego Segalini ’98, SHSAA Executive Director, directly at
Donating Stocks and Securities
The Alumni Association also takes stock donations. Please contact the office at 212-312-4894 or for our Agent Bank, DTC and account information.
Why does Stuyvesant need an Endowment?
Public funding for Stuyvesant does not cover much of what is needed for advanced classwork and extracurricular activities. It is our aspiration that an endowment will fill in the gaps and help us keep pace with our peers. Our sister schools and many other public New York City high schools already have sizable endowments, and we need to keep pace to stay at the pinnacle of public education and give our exceptional students the same opportunities accorded to their peers. There are strict limits on spending from the Endowment so that the corpus remains intact. In order to accumulate a meaningful level of interest that can be contributed to the school, the Endowment needs to reach a critical mass. As of 6/30/2024 our Endowment Fund balance was approx. $4 Million, including $2 Million earmarked specifically for scholarships.
Our graduates–from Nobel laureates to the leaders of every imaginable profession: medicine, law, business, the arts, academia and on and on — almost universally recognize and appreciate that Stuyvesant was the bedrock of their success, setting the path toward achievement and excellence. They want to give back, and that is why we have such a remarkable opportunity before us. And, of course, you can help!
Endowments are designed to exist for the benefit of the school, its students, and alumni in perpetuity. Help us to ensure that Stuyvesant’s legacy is eternal, and that graduates emerge equipped with the tools they need to change the world. Please note: The minimum contribution for the Endowment Fund is $10,000, unless an exception previously has been arranged and agreed upon by the donor and the Alumni Association. Donations under $10,000 will be applied to the Stuy Fund automatically, so that they may be applied where they are most needed.
Donate to Scholarships
With college tuition rising every year, sometimes funding is the only thing that stands in the way of our graduating Seniors. Scholarships have been designed to give students the head-start that many need to go to the school of their dreams. Although we have grown our reach by giving over 40 awards to deserving students, we know there are many more students who still need our support. To start your own scholarship, please reach out to us at
Click here for a list of established scholarships.
If you would like to designate your gift to a specific Scholarship Fund, then please visit our Scholarship Gifts page.
Active Campaign for Class of 1962: Gary Roebuck ’62 Memorial Scholarship
Active Campaign for Class of 1965: Jay Levinson ’65 Memorial Scholarship
Active Campaign for Class of 1972: Abigail Scheck ’72 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Active Campaign in honor of Dr. Nikol: The Dr. John Nikol Award for Excellence in Social Studies
Donate to Directed Funds
Directed Funds go to specific programs, scholarships, departments, teams, or initiatives, and are a way for you to direct funds to the area of your choice.
Please note: In order to open a directed fund, one must contribute a minimum of $5500, with a minimum $1000 being allocated yearly. For established funds, directed gifts must be a minimum of $1000.
For all directed gifts, similar to most charities, 10% of the contribution is applied to the Stuy Fund, unless an exception has been previously agreed upon by the donor and the Alumni Association. Donations under $1,000 will automatically be contributed to Stuy Fund, so that they may be used where they are most needed. To make a directed gift today, please reach out to
Active Campaign for Stuyvesant Athletics: The Coach Hahn Fund
Active Campaign for Chess: The Chess Team
Active Campaign for Speech & Debate: The Speech & Debate Team
Active Campaign for International Studies: CIEE Fund
Planned Giving
For many alumni, parents, and friends, a bequest is the simplest way to create a meaningful and influential legacy at Stuyvesant. The Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association (“SHSAA”) serves as the 501(c)(3) partner to the School, is custodian of The Stuy Fund and the Endowment, and facilitates receipt of donations, sponsorships, bequests, and the like that support Stuyvesant High School. If you are interested in learning more, please take a look at our bequest language here or feel free to reach out to us at